We would like to thank Inoculand Environmental Services for their most recent donation as part our ongoing charitable relationship.
Inoculand formed their first charitable relationship with PAC-UK in 2016, and have since donated over £2,000, and participated in sporting events to raise funds for PAC-UK. Inoculand's most recent donation of £448 is part of their £1 donation per invoice pledge to support our work.
Incouland Chief Executive Daniel Neves is committed to maintaining our partnership, and with his team, is looking at additional ways Incouland can support PAC-UK, and other charities throughout the year.
We thank Inoculand for their ongoing support, and for thinking of others during this particularly difficult time.
Inoculand provide professional pest control in London to both residential and commercial properties, specialising in mice control, moth control, and proofing services. Their specialists have been offering the highest-quality pest control services in London for over a decade. For more information visit www.inoculandpestcontrol.co.uk
... and also check out Inoculand's COVID-19 support page, where Inoculand's Pest Control Head Biologist provides important information about the basics on prevention.