PAC-UK is really pleased to put out this first BIG CONSULT of adopted people and birth families. We want to hear about the experiences and views of adopted people and birth families on a range of adoption issues so that their voices can be heard by the wider adoption sector, policy makers, researchers and by each other.

We want to find out what is working and what is not, what is missing and what bearing this has on future policy and practice. We believe that there is everything to learn from those who have been affected by adoption.
This survey, which you can access by clicking on the below link is expected to take 10 minutes to complete - please note, the adopted people survey is for adopted people only and the birth families survey is for birth parents only.
This consultation has been funded by The National Adoption Strategy Team and we will be sharing its findings with them, and the wider sector and they may use quotes and data - anonymously of course.
Our PAC-UK 'BIG CONSULT' 2022 surveys are now closed - we are thrilled and extremely thankful to have had 454 completed surveys from adopted people and 151 completed surveys from birth families!
PAC-UK 'BIG CONSULT' of Birth Families - Closes 15 December 2022
If you have any questions about this survey please email
PAC-UK | October 2022